Daily Update 8th March 2018 - More News Coverage!!!!
Hi Guys
Jörg has asked me to pass on that there has been some more news coverage. Motherboard has published an article about our movement which can be found here. Please go take a look guys and make sure plenty of people see the article. Personally I think it is well written and gives an excellent account of the story so far so it is a great place to catch up anyone who is just joining.
Dan Cúþnama, one of the Facebook group admins has taken over posting the Daily Updates there in Jörg's place. You can find his original post at the facebook group, included below.
Dan said....
Greetings folks, Dan here from Tales From Thailand - I'm Union Admin for this community and I run a 1300+ sub channel based on my life in Thailand which you can check out here https://www.youtube.com/c/talesfromthailand
Whilst Jörg is away on business I'll be posting the daily updates for the Union until next week.
I wanted to draw attention to the facebook page I made for the union which you can like and follow here: The YouTubers Union, this group and the forums are the best place to interact with the Union but I thought it best to have the page up so as to avoid someone else picking it up later on. We'll find a use for it soon.
Tomorrow I want to discuss ideas about possible Union policies. I have seen some great discussion on the forums and here in the group but I think I focused thread of discussion on tomorrow's post would be great for us. Thanks a lot to all of you who are promoting the union on your pages, groups and channels. We'll soon be 10,000 strong and I think we can hit 50,000 by May, ambitious but entirely possible!
Cheers folks and stay tuned for the discussion topic tomorrow.
Over the next few day I will personally be focusing on the website. I intend to add alternative logins like Facebook of Google soon and more importantly I want to add an ideas tracking system. Something that will allow us to more easily get peoples opinions on things that won't always work with a poll. You can see a more basic version of this on the resources page, some of you may have notice there is a little voting widget next to each resource. There is more coming but I don't want to bore anyone so you can check out the website feedback post if you are interested.
Lastly I have also been tweeting a handful of my favourite creators in order to spread the word. Just an idea.
Thanks for your time guys and thank you for being here and a big thank you of couse to Jöer Sprave for starting this in the first place.
Best regards
David "BigMonMulgrew" Mulgrew
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