Hello Union, In the tradition of my favourite channel, Dota Cinema, I will be calling this a weekly update even though we all know they are not weekly. One substantial thing really stands out, Jörg has voluntarily demonetised his channel, he has joined the ranks of the rest of us that just do it for fun. It seems with all the problems YouTube has its just not financially viable to call YouTube a job even for a multi million subscriber channel. I remember a time when YouTube represented a dream of making a living just by sharing what you love with the world. Then came more and more conditions. More and more restrictions, more people being banned and booted and now we are at a place where freedom of speech and freedom of creativity on YouTube are dead to many.
So this month (yes weekly newsletter monthly this time lol, I was giving you a break from the spam) we have been discussing where each platform fits. We are on a lot of platforms. Personally I see the Discord like a clubhouse, its there for informal chats and hanging out. The Facebook group is like the blog, we can post official stuff there and it gets seen quickly by a lot of people. The forum is like a meeting room. We gather there to discuss the important stuff. Let me know what you think guys , what do you use each platform for, how do you see each one and are we missing any you like to use?
I hope you have all been trying out new platforms. It is time for the strike. Personally I have moved my streaming to Twitch instead of YouTube. I never had many viewers, just 1 or 2 while streaming. I've already been regularly exceeding that, not by much but I've been streaming on YouTube for years. I've got a couple of videos planned to go up on Vimeo. You can join for free if your videos are small. Don't forget to come back to the forums and tell people where you have been posting, or add a comment below (if you are reading this in an email, visit the site to leave a comment)
The war drums have been sounded, YouTube has been called out, now we are preparing for the first strike. We are taking the time to make sure we are ready for the strike on 7th May. Place your bets now if YouTube will respond before the strike, or if they will even resume talks. We want to talk, YouTube refused. Jörg is creating a banner video of our angry faces. If you have not already submitted your angry face check out his post on the 26th of April and submit your angry face. Soon we will show YouTube how angry we are. Soon they will no longer be able to ignore us. We have a reach of hundreds of millions of viewers.
This week we are finally taking strike action. A lot of people have been pushing for this. it is something that needs to be done carefully and correctly so it has been delayed until now. Jörg's Facebook post about it will be linked below. We start on May 7th. I'm trying a different format for the newsletter this week. I'd appreciate anyone who could leave a comment below the newsletter on the website of what you think of the different formats.
This week was fairly quiet, compared to last week, until this morning when an important call to action came out. Lets start with Jörg's posts, as usual.
Submitted by BigMonMulgrew on Sun, 04/08/2018 - 20:18
Hi everyone
Lets start with a big one, Jörg has put out a video update today, the first monthly one. He speaks about some common topics of discussion recently and about where we go moving forward.
As for that it has been a busy week, again. Here are Jörg's posts in the Facebook group this week.
Hi everyone, Jörg Sprave has been an absolute raid boss this week for YouTube, what an amazing week for the YouTubers Union, it has been so busy. I will list Jörg's Facebook posts below to make sure I don't miss anything. I highly recommend you check them out and take part in the discussions.
Hi everyone, This week we have seen Jörg's meeting with YouTube bumped back to the 28th of March. Don't worry though, the reason for moving it back was to allow more time to go through Jörg's, entire list of questions. Really it is a good thing, it means more of our issues will be heard, Don't forget to take a look at Jörg's post on Facebook where he posted the questions and add any suggestions you think are relevant.
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